01/02/2019 Daily Horoscope - 命運

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-02-01T12:51

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You need to make a point of writing your own story today, Moonchild,
rather than going along with someone else's script. You have the power and
the creativity to make anything happen that you want to happen, so make
sure to write yourself a happy story. If you need inspiration, spend some
time reveling in your dreams and fantasies and imagining how wonderful the
days ahead will be - and don't limit yourself by what other people tell
you is or isn't possible. You are the master of your destiny.



Tags: 命運

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-02-05T03:53

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You may now be blaming some difficulty in your life for something else that you are not able to do. But really, Moonchild, one thing probably has nothing t ...

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Joe avatar
By Joe
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Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2019-01-13T13:17
擁抱改變 讓夢想照進現實 今年3月你們的主星將會再次進入到金牛座,並且會在這裡停留上7年左右的時間。事實上 在2018年裏,天王星也曾在這裡旋進旋出,或許你們已經窺見了變化的趨勢,無論是你們 的想法、個性還是在現實中的處境,都在不自覺的變得功利和現實起來。而這正是天王星 在金牛座帶給你們的變化:看清現 ...