01/13 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2017-01-12T23:30

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We can't control the weather. We have no domain over natural disasters. We
can't manage what other people say or do. We can do our best to protect
ourselves in certain circumstances, but beyond that, our best chance at any
kind of control is to simply control what we choose to feel and believe. And
in that regard, you have a lot of control. If something in your life isn't
going the way you want it to, you can change the way you use it and the way
that you are dealing with it. And that, Moonchild, could change the outcome
of what's happening dramatically.

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-01-15T00:26
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2017-01-19T17:45
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-01-20T15:42
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2017-01-23T10:05
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-01-25T21:19

01/11 Daily Horoscope

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2017-01-12T22:31
※ 引述《Yoshikia (無言的小狗)》之銘言: : 這去爬我的文,去年我就發表巨蟹座的特質了,所以我真的不是事後諸葛。 : 巨蟹座的個性可能古怪,但是卻往往藏有一手,很多巨蟹座喜歡停留在幻想裡面,但這些 : 都是可以實現的幻想,所以不要只有想,要去做!(之前還有人下面推文說我是虎爛的XD) : 同樣巨蟹 ...

2017/01/13 唐立淇每日星座運勢

William avatar
By William
at 2017-01-12T19:09
巨蟹座 陰 今天與國外有關的人事物會不順利,請小心應對,以免發生對你衝擊很大的事情。感情部 分若雙方的長遠計畫不一致,可能會導致彼此的氣氛低落,建議找到共同目標很重要。 幸運色是金色。 13號星期舞(? - ...

小乖麻 巨蟹座2017年1月運勢

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2017-01-12T12:54
本月關鍵詞:好起來 這是你會用輕鬆的方式來處理問題的月份,人際關係、親密關係的緩和讓你獲得積極的能 量。從而呈現出慈悲、軟軟的一面。你似乎也會更願意為他人多考慮一些、多付出一些。 心態頻率的調整讓你可以成為“隨緣自在”的那個。爭取到更多的支援和幫助也將會成為 本月的真實寫照。 事實上從上個月19號開始水星 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-01-12T01:55
本標題給對 蟹男 有疑問的版友使用 不論是愛情 友情 親情 (可按ctrl+y刪除) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的星座是:摩羯女 與對方的關係:曖昧 或是暗戀 想請問大 ...

01/12 Daily Horoscope

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-01-11T23:00
You may be holding yourself back from completing a project you started a while ago because the timing hasnand#39;t been right, youand#39;ve been too busy, ...