01/17 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2022-01-16T23:20

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You may have become aware recently that someone you know has dramatically chan
ged an opinion they once defended passionately. Because they were so staunch i
n that old belief, it may seem impossible that they could have altered their t
hinking so radically. This may bring to mind ideas that they are not telling t
he full truth about, or that they are somewhat wishy-washy of, which may not m
atch with your impression of them. Don't overthink it, dear Leo. People do gro
w and change. All you can really do is accept what you see, and if it doesn't
match up with reality, you will eventually see signs of that and will be able
to adjust.




Tags: 獅子

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Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2022-01-21T08:03
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2022-01-17T20:41


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2022-01-16T21:44
星座運勢 2022 / 01 / 17(一)雨 今天很多事情做不完,每一件都要你來背,建議你心態上要調整成超人模式。 感情方面你對動作慢的人很不耐煩,你也把自己的速度調很快,所以要對別人有耐心,給 他機會調整自己。 幸運色是紅色。 - ...

01/16 Daily Horoscope

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2022-01-15T22:06
You may find yourself in a meeting or a gathering among a bunch of stodgy, upt ight individuals. You may be the only one in the room with a childlike spiri ...

01/15 Daily Horoscope

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2022-01-15T02:02
Although you can sometimes tell a book by its cover, you canand#39;t always assess h ow a new year will go based on the first couple of weeks. You may have ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2022-01-14T21:13
星座運勢 2022 / 01 / 15(六)晴 獅子:有趣的週末 週末要用新點子過生活,例如:去新地方玩樂或和新朋友碰面,會有意外的驚喜和收穫。 感情方面單身者可以認識新朋友,而對方是幽默風趣的人。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2022-01-13T21:43
星座運勢 2022 / 01 / 14(五)晴 今天若有想清除的人事物,都能順利揮別、招來幸運,把東西整理乾淨能帶來好運,另外 這天也有機會找到失物。 感情方面彼此的溝通、相處非常有默契,這是個你很喜歡的狀態,好好享受吧。 幸運色是白色。 - ...