01/21 水瓶運勢 - 水瓶

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-01-20T23:45

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It's not surprising that people turn to you when they have a conflict they can't resolve alone. After all, you give good advice. And, a lot of the time, you just listen -- which is what most people need, most of the time, anyway. If a coworker comes to you, lend them your ear. But hold off on lending them money. It might be the kind of fix that doesn't fix things for them (or you) in the long term.


A friend or romantic partner may not be communicating with you the way they should, Aquarius. Something is bothering your sweetie, and he or she doesn't want to discuss it. Even if you ask, the answers are likely to be evasive. Pushing won't be appreciated. Perhaps it's best to leave your friend alone to work it out. Your honey will tell you about it when the time is right.


(Daily Horoscope App)
You may be feeling great compassion for someone right now, Aquarius, and you would love to help that person out. However, you may also be overwhelmed with chores and responsibilities of your own, and helping out now could put your own schedule way behind, which would be very stressful and could cause other problems as well. You can help if you can do so in an organized way. If possible, create a plan and let this person know that you plan to assist, but you must take care of your own obligations first.
That would solve both issues.


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Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-01-23T02:13
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-01-25T00:55


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-01-20T18:12
運勢天氣:陰天 週末有很多責任義務要去做,大多是別人交辦或請託而來的,讓你很難拒絕。 感情方面雙方價值觀不同,建議不要一起購物,彼此分工合作,起到互補作用比較好。 幸運色是白色。 - ...

01/20運勢 - Astrocenter

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-01-20T00:39
Question the validity of anything you come in conflict with today, Aquarius. You might find that people act on incomplete information, and that theyand#39; ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-01-19T21:54
運勢天氣:打雷閃電 今天會陷入複雜的狀況當中,建議要保護自己,以免跳入黃河都洗不清。 感情部分若和舊情人之間有問題,對方就會製造一些糾紛出來。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...

01/20 Daily Horoscope

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-01-19T21:42
Have you ever noticed that the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the kitchen can fill you with a sense of comfort, security, and warmth? Maybe ther ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2017-01-19T11:31
我:所以…你覺得你有可能有一天對我們認真嗎? 他:(好像太突然了反應不過來)你想要的是什麼? 我:什麼叫我想要的是什麼,我問你會不會有對我們認真的一天。 他:我們還在認識對方 我:你不相信我對吧? 他:才四個月而已。(我驚訝,原來他有在算我們真正比較親密的時候的時間) 他繼續:我在上一段感情非常地非常低受創, ...