01/25 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Joe
at 2017-01-24T23:14
at 2017-01-24T23:14
Table of Contents
Some people look at a big challenge and think they will never be able to
master it. It's like looking at a very tall mountain and thinking you could
never make the trek to the top. But you aren't like that, Moonchild. You are
tenacious and determined. You are strong-willed and committed to your dreams.
When there is a big challenge associated with something you want, you study
it carefully and come up with a plan - or a variety of plans just to be sure.
You want something now, and while you may not have seen much, if any,
progress, you are about to enjoy a sudden and surprising victory.
有著連帶關係,你會仔細地研究並去想出一個計劃 -或是各式各樣待確認的方法。你
master it. It's like looking at a very tall mountain and thinking you could
never make the trek to the top. But you aren't like that, Moonchild. You are
tenacious and determined. You are strong-willed and committed to your dreams.
When there is a big challenge associated with something you want, you study
it carefully and come up with a plan - or a variety of plans just to be sure.
You want something now, and while you may not have seen much, if any,
progress, you are about to enjoy a sudden and surprising victory.
有著連帶關係,你會仔細地研究並去想出一個計劃 -或是各式各樣待確認的方法。你
All Comments

By Regina
at 2017-01-27T15:33
at 2017-01-27T15:33

By Harry
at 2017-01-30T07:31
at 2017-01-30T07:31

By Ula
at 2017-01-30T13:01
at 2017-01-30T13:01

By Aaliyah
at 2017-01-31T11:32
at 2017-01-31T11:32

By Quanna
at 2017-02-03T07:53
at 2017-02-03T07:53

By Callum
at 2017-02-04T20:21
at 2017-02-04T20:21

By Belly
at 2017-02-05T11:49
at 2017-02-05T11:49

By Jack
at 2017-02-07T08:27
at 2017-02-07T08:27

By Rachel
at 2017-02-10T01:02
at 2017-02-10T01:02
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