01/30 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-01-30T10:51

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You are so tenacious, Moonchild, that your drive kicks in even stronger
when you are faced with challenges. And lately, deadlines come so often
that working under pressure becomes your habit. You may have gotten so used
to working under time crunches or difficult circumstances that subconsciously,
you may feel you need some kind of turmoil to be your most productive. But
things are calming down now, so take your time and consider gaining more
enjoyment out of your efforts. There may be a special project you want to
focus on, but do so for the experience, not for the deadline.

Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-02-01T10:12
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-02-04T05:43
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-02-06T04:38


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-01-28T23:59
我的星座是:牛女 與對方的關係: 好奇中 想請問大家的問題是: 有好感還是新鮮感 先從我對他的觀察說起好了。 我們是同事,剛好上公司課程被發在同一組。 對他的印象只有害羞。 一樣喜歡早到,跟他說早的時候他會回好巧又見到你了(不知道是什麼邏輯,我都會笑出 來,我笑點神低。) 一開始不太熟他都坐我斜對面 ...

2017上半年 12星座誰最有偏財運

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-01-28T16:25
※ [本文轉錄自 Zastrology 看板 #1OZ5GsQ5 ] 作者: starwish07 (Terrence-J) 看板: Zastrology 標題: [情報] 2017上半年 12星座誰最有偏財運 時間: Sat Jan 28 16:20:04 2017 請參考太陽、上升 NO. ...

01/28 Daily Horoscope

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2017-01-28T02:43
You may think that you can help solve someone elseand#39;s problem because you have dealt successfully with a similar experience. You may think that becaus ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-01-27T13:49
巨蟹座人在交際上很少自動, 這也造就了他們喜愛用冷酷來掩飾自個交際的短板。 因而, 也許剛認識的時候覺得巨蟹座人很高冷, 但是一旦說上幾句話, 你就會完全推翻這個想法, 因為他們會比你想象中愈加溫文熱心。 來源: http://horofriend88.com/57777.html - ...

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2017-01-27T10:15
想放放甜蜜的一切閃瞎版眾嗎? 想讓大家睜不開眼嗎? ●_●andgt; 歡迎使用此標題來述說甜蜜的一切 ^^  也歡迎自介一下喔!! (可按ctrl+y刪除) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...