02/03/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-03-01T22:05

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By attempting to restore and re-establish a bond with someone you know
isn't good for you or that has influenced you in a negative way in the
past, you will only set yourself up for failure. Even though there may be
something that is intriguing or compelling about this individual, Scorpio,
you need to steer clear of all negative influences right now. Don't allow
temptation to lead you down the wrong path. Be objective and honest with
yourself, and you will know what you really have to do.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2020-03-04T06:31
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2020-03-07T18:50
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-03-08T05:34
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-03-09T11:47
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2020-03-13T17:23


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-03-01T22:00
[對象]:蠍男/羊女   [你/妳們的關係]: 曖昧中,認識四個月了,但他在香港,至今還無法見面。我也已經表達過我的心意,他也十分清楚。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [你/妳的問題] ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-03-01T21:10
大家都說天蠍很喜歡把內心的感受藏的很深 不善言辭 所以常常被人覺得神秘 或者是不知道在想什麼 但我想問 那天蠍對於會表達的人怎麼想呢? 喜歡嗎? 朋友也好情人也是 特別是正在低潮 比較防備狀態的天蠍 我想表達我的真心或是我是怎麼想的 這樣ok嗎 - ...

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