02/05/2020 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-05-02T23:12

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You may be feeling pressured by a situation you landed in some time ago.
Even if you believe you made a mistake, you should not be hard on yourself
since at the time you probably thought this was best or you had no other
option. Now you are hoping to find a way to undo what was done and find a
better option. If you are patient, Moonchild, and you are not driven by
fear or anxiety, you will find exactly what you want and need. In the
meantime, you are being protected and guided, and you need to take comfort
in that.



Tags: 巨蟹

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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2020-05-02T01:17
※ 引述《ALTW (COKE)》之銘言: : 最近自我觀察發現 : 對於在意的人 : 我不容易拒絕人家 : 即使心裡不是很想同意 : 但是就是會硬著頭皮去幫人家 : 或是對於朋友一些行為不認同 : 也是睜一眼閉一眼 : 但是時間久了 : 某天踩到雷 : 忍耐到一個極限 : 我是會完全不聯絡的 : 甚至如果不 ...

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