02/08/2021 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2021-08-01T23:30

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期一 8月 2

Scorpio horoscope for 星期一 8月 2
You may have had a dream recently that was either frightening or pretty strang
e. That's the kind of dream that can have the power to change the tone of your
day and make you think very deeply as you try to figure it out. But don't be
alarmed Scorpio. Although that dream, or perhaps some unusual thoughts that ha
ve been coming to you, may have felt alarming - it is symbolic rather than pre
scient, and it was meant to teach you something - not to frighten you. Try to
figure it out, but do so from a curious place, not a place of fear.



Tags: 天蠍

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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2021-08-03T19:19
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2021-08-05T07:08

01/08/2021 Daily Horoscope

John avatar
By John
at 2021-07-31T23:14
Scorpio horoscope for 星期日 8月 1 We often communicate these days in a kind of shorthand by using emojis, abbrev iations, and even shortening words. Itand#39 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2021-07-31T20:15
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Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2021-07-31T19:17
《全方位線上占星平台》https://www.astrorg.com 【量子占星】2021八月十二星座運勢 【量子占星】2021八月牡羊座運勢 https://reurl.cc/XWrG6E 【量子占星】2021八月金牛座運勢 https://reurl.cc/XWrGkE 【量子占星】2021八月雙 ...

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Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2021-07-31T10:40
8月: 包容過度就是縱容 整體: 月初1日到5日這幾天,我建議你好好把握這幾天,太陽、水星會在你星圖頂端相遇,這個 時期很適合去宣佈一些事情,或者將一個你想做的事情推進到執行的階段,這個星象也非 常適合“達成和解”,修復關係,如果你意識到跟某個人存在誤會,或者你們確實曾經有 敵對的關係存在,那麼這個時期 ...

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By Andy
at 2021-07-31T00:01
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