02/08 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2022-02-08T00:14

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Once you say something in anger, you can't take it back. You can try to backtr
ack, but it's already out there. You can apologize, of course, but that doesn'
t always do the trick and it certainly can't erase what was said. You may have
good reason to be angry with someone today, Leo, but time and deeper understa
nding may soften the way you feel. If you say anything at all today, try to en
vision your words being spelled out in front of you and hanging in the air as
they make their way to the other person. That may help you recognize how power
ful they can be. Being compassionate, instead, is always a better option.


眼前,並在空中丟給對方 — 這可以幫助你認知到這些言語會是很具殺傷力的。當然 ,

Tags: 獅子

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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2022-02-07T21:08
星座運勢 2022 / 02 / 08(二)晴時多雲 今天運氣佳、貴人很多,雙方互動或他們對你的觀感都是往好的方向前進,你也會得到很 多好處、饋贈、優惠。 感情方面魅力大爆發,好好裝扮自己,保證人氣、人緣方面無往不利。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2022-02-07T16:12
每到新的一年 我朋友就非常關注自己的星座運勢 所以他看到獅子座財運很好 尤其是偏財運他非常開心 結果發票開獎那一天 他連雲端載具獎都沒有 他去年只中過一次 以為今年第一個月會不一樣 有沒有獅子座的財運今年也還好的 - ...

Alex是大叔 02/07~02/13 獅子座本週運

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2022-02-07T09:02
太陽或上升獅子座:火星跟天王星會有互動,這週你很可能會“臨危受命”,臨時被要求 去做這做那,原本你認為很清閒的安排可能一下子會變得很忙碌,這就是天王星的出其不 意。而且由於天王星目前停留在你的星圖頂端,許多人可能在這個時候也在思考自己的未 來規劃,甚至想要尋找所謂的“安全牌”,但不要著急,你會慢慢找到自己的安 ...

02/07 Daily Horoscope

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-02-07T01:05
Progress is possible today with a project that has been stalled for too long. You may be skeptical about that, Leo, because it probably seems as though you ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2022-02-06T22:00
星座運勢 2022 / 02 / 07(一)打雷閃電 今天工作中有不少處理財務、整理資源的機會,需要你頭腦清晰、精打細算,避免為求方 便造成損失。 感情方面與另一半生活中要記得保持對彼此的體貼,不要相處久了就懶散。 幸運色是紫色。 - ...