02/08 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

By Connor
at 2022-02-08T00:14
at 2022-02-08T00:14
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Once you say something in anger, you can't take it back. You can try to backtr
ack, but it's already out there. You can apologize, of course, but that doesn'
t always do the trick and it certainly can't erase what was said. You may have
good reason to be angry with someone today, Leo, but time and deeper understa
nding may soften the way you feel. If you say anything at all today, try to en
vision your words being spelled out in front of you and hanging in the air as
they make their way to the other person. That may help you recognize how power
ful they can be. Being compassionate, instead, is always a better option.
眼前,並在空中丟給對方 — 這可以幫助你認知到這些言語會是很具殺傷力的。當然 ,
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