02/12~08/12/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-12-03T23:27

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If it hasn't begun to happen yet, Scorpio, you should see a gradual
improvement in some areas of your life this week. These areas may include
career or your own business, a relationship that has experienced trouble
in the past, and your reconciling of a problem that has been difficult to
resolve. You will get the most out of these improvements if you remain
patient and upbeat about each turn the road takes. Positivity will help
you make the most out of the good things that are coming your way. You may
find yourself regretting getting involved in a shared endeavor as
complications develop, but if you can hang in there long enough to resolve
the more pressing matters, you may do a complete turnaround and wind up
feeling very grateful that you had the opportunity and the good fortune to
get involved. You may have had the urge to get involved in something new
and interesting - perhaps something that involves a long-treasured
interest of yours. This week you may come upon an opening that will allow
you to do just that. But don't think about it too long or put it off in
favor of other obligations, or you could miss out on this chance. This
could turn out to be just as exciting as you have envisioned. You should
be able to see right through someone's ulterior motives later in the week
when someone attempts to get you involved in a project where you can see a
few red flags. Put more trust in your intuition.







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12/4 科技紫微網 魔羯座運勢

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2019-12-03T22:23
╔═════╦══════╦═════╦══════╗ ║∮整體運 ║★★★☆☆ ║∮愛情運 ║★☆☆☆☆ ║ ╠═════╬══════╬═════╬══════╣ ║∮事業運 ║★★★☆☆ ║∮財 運 ║★★★★☆ ║ ╚═════╩══════╩═════╩══════ ...

小乖麻 巨蟹座2019年12月運勢

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-12-03T21:56
獨當一面 本月三號,進入摩羯座來到你的7宮內。並且會在此停留上將近一年的時間。你的人際關 係、合作關係也會變的更具活力。接觸以及瞭解到更多的人,爲更多的人提供服務和幫助 等。對於上班族來說,你們將會被推到人前,爭取到更多的客戶、合作伙伴。這讓你變得 更受歡迎的同時,也讓你更加的獨當一面。無論是生活中還是 ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-12-03T01:49
新的輪迴 本月3號,你的主星木星將會離開你的本位進入到摩羯座,來到你的2宮財帛宮位。並且會 在這裡停留上一年1年左右的時間,直到20年的12月中旬才會離開。這意味著在未來一年 的時間裡,你們都將會投身於和錢財、物質相關的領域。重塑價值觀、建立全新的盈利模 式、消費模式等。雖然我們常常會聽到類似於這樣的論調, ...

Alex是大叔 12/02~12/08 天蠍座本週運

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-12-02T10:02
太陽或上升天蠍座:你會開始意識到,許多矛盾正在慢慢緩解,但不代表解決,天蠍們, 你們是需要提防許多事情的人,在這週你會意識到有人伸出示好的橄欖枝,請你接住它, 但接住的同時並不代表你要改變原先對這件事或者這個人的判斷,但示好代表機會,本週 因爲跟這個人共事或者要討論的某件事,會有好的突破。另外,隨著木星進入到 ...

唐綺陽 2019/12/02(一)陰

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-12-02T00:02
2019/12/02(一)陰 今天會遇到強勢的長官或長輩,他們有所要求或很難溝通、強勢命令...等,不要硬碰硬 對你比較好。 感情方面你的忙碌可能需要對方的配合,讓對方知道狀況,不要勉強自己去約會比較好。 幸運色是紫色。 - ...