02/16 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

By Elvira
at 2022-02-15T22:04
at 2022-02-15T22:04
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There is someone in your life that you are not happy with. This may be someone
you employ, someone who employs you, or someone you are dealing with in a cap
acity that may involve money or authority. You may be getting frustrated, Leo,
but you need to ask yourself what exactly it is that's causing you to feel th
is way. If it has something to do directly with the individual, then find a di
plomatic way of explaining it. But if it's because you don't know what you wan
t, you have to figure that out first.
今天可能會對某人有不愉快的感覺,可能是老闆,下屬,或是跟你在金錢 / 權力結構上
自己現階段想要什麼 —— 請先好好釐清自己內心的想法。
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