02/25 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

By Mia
at 2022-02-25T02:11
at 2022-02-25T02:11
Table of Contents
What do you need to change in your life to make yourself happier? That's the q
uestion that needs to be pondered now, Leo. You may be focused on what's going
wrong, but you need to focus on how you can change whatever is causing things
to go wrong - because you absolutely make those changes to get what you want.
Don't take a defeatist attitude. That kind of attitude doesn't fit you. Remem
ber who you are. You are still powerful. You will remain powerful. Take charge
and take what you want.
們是一群有力量的人—— 好好發揮這些力量,積極取回主控權,朝你們想要的筆直前進
如有誤譯還請指正 :)
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at 2022-02-27T00:51
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