0204 Daily Horoscope: Aquarius - 水瓶

By Ida
at 2018-02-04T01:19
at 2018-02-04T01:19
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深呼吸後,再打個盹.......,go!! \\\└(‘ω’)┘////
astroceter.com https://goo.gl/hs45HZ
FEBRUARY 4, 2018
Don't discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if
you need to be, Aquarius. If you don’t have everything you
need or all of the required information, take time to think
. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might
know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic
because the pieces aren't all there, instead make a list of
contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.
有任何資源與資訊,靜下心來想想: 哪裡你可以諮詢? 可以取道於
那裡? 哪裡會知道怎麼去找你需要的? 與其因為千頭萬緒而驚慌,
何不列出一張口袋名單,然後就go啦! trust in yourself.
astroceter.com https://goo.gl/hs45HZ
FEBRUARY 4, 2018
Don't discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if
you need to be, Aquarius. If you don’t have everything you
need or all of the required information, take time to think
. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might
know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic
because the pieces aren't all there, instead make a list of
contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.
有任何資源與資訊,靜下心來想想: 哪裡你可以諮詢? 可以取道於
那裡? 哪裡會知道怎麼去找你需要的? 與其因為千頭萬緒而驚慌,
何不列出一張口袋名單,然後就go啦! trust in yourself.
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