0206 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-02-05T16:47

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You may finally be free to pursue a goal or dream that you have thought about
and perhaps talked about a lot over time. Something has moved out of your
way, Aquarius, and now you can begin. Although that may be quite exciting on
one level, it can also be very intimidating. Now you have to figure out the
best way to get started. You also have to prove that you can do it. And you
have to make it successful to live up to what you have thought and said. But
you can certainly do it. Don't give in to doubts. Recognize that you are just
as capable to accomplish this as you have always been.



Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2020-02-09T20:55

0205 Daily Horoscope

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-02-05T15:48
Making excuses for someone who continuously makes the same mistakes is not positive or productive for you, Aquarius, or for the one you keep excusing. It g ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2020-02-04T23:18
我魔男,與瓶女認識約半年,她小我6歲 前公司別部門認識,一個月後我就跳槽了... 一開始是我主動認識,但她跟我也很熱絡~ 由於我們沒有共通的社交圈,從認識到現在都是單獨聊單獨約,幾乎每週都會見面 看電影看夜景都OK 由於他工作因素在台北租房,我也開車幫他搬了兩次行李回家, 今年除夕前一天放假我們也約了2個人一 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2020-02-04T21:36
我的星座或生日:巨蟹 被瓶子凹來波一篇XD 我是蟹男,她是今天生日的瓶女。 她是很典型水瓶座,對新事物好奇,不喜歡被拘束,討厭被人煩。我是很典型的巨蟹,比 較沒有安全感,重視承諾,暖暖型的。我們是傳說中很難配合的瓶蟹組合。 所以我們初期的相處,偶爾會有小磨擦,她覺得我管的太多,要求的太多,我則覺得相當 ...

2020/02/05 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2020-02-04T20:40
水瓶座 晴時多雲 今天跟海外有關的事可以積極爭取,或訂機票很順利,跟海外人士有意見、文化差異的理 解困難,好好溝通釐清,不要著急。感情方面聚少離多沒關係,反而會使你們的感情更親 密。 幸運色是咖啡色。 有人在計畫旅行嗎? - ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2020-02-04T01:01
扳回一城。 也不是第一次在瓶版發文 不過以前都是苦惱的攻略文 今日是祝賀男友生日快樂文 以及終結四個月遠距離快樂準備去接機文 雖然不同隻,但莫名也變成瓶眷了 喜歡這個可愛的星座 對了,瓶男友黏我黏死了,我牛女 幫各位受水瓶男折磨的牛女加油一下 總有一天妳也會收編對的人的 去年認識最棒的兩個 ...