0207 Daily Horoscope: Aquarius - 水瓶

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2018-02-06T22:53

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天冷時,曬太陽與打盹很重要啊 b(=^‥^=)o
astrocenter.com https://goo.gl/hs45HZ

FEBRUARY 7, 2018

Why not take some much deserved rest and relaxation today,
Aquarius? After all, even you need to jump out of the rat
race once in a while. If there are some things you really
need to care of, you can still make plans for leisure or
recreation afterward. Spoil yourself with an afternoon nap
or ordering out for dinner. Take a leisurely walk or a long
bath. Take care of yourself by resting as well as

瓶子們,今天為何連休息一下與放鬆都不能呢? 畢竟,你總需要有跳



自己;去好好的放鬆走走或是泡泡澡吧! 休息與成就感都一樣在照顧



Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2018-02-07T18:39

2/06 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-02-06T00:07
今日運勢 2018 / 02 / 06 (二) 晴時多雲 今天是老闆眼中的紅人,要背負很多不相干的事情,建議該拒絕就要勇於拒絕。 感情方面對方若懂得理財或做事俐落,相信會吸引到你的目光。 幸運色是白色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zodia ...

0206 Daily Horoscope: Aquarius

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-02-05T23:16
(σ ′゜д゜)σ ........你們的六感觀察到什麼呢? ----------------------------------------------------------- astrocenter.com https://goo.gl/hs45HZ FEBRUARY 6, 2018 S ...

0205~0211 Weekly Horoscope: Aquarius

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2018-02-05T21:31
不知道我家的貓們喜歡什麼special呢? ((≡ ̄♀ ̄≡)) ----------------------------------------------------------- astrocenter.com https://goo.gl/Qi7kqH FEBRUARY 5, ...

Alex是大叔 02/05~02/11水瓶座本週運勢

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-02-05T10:57
太陽或上升水瓶座:1月底在你的星座剛剛發生了一次食相,現在影響力還未退散,你可 能正在弄清楚自己的方向,關於感情,關於工作,關於你所想過的生活等等。水瓶座們突 然長大了,想的很多,很周全,或者你突然意識到原來自己身上揹負的那些包袱似乎是沒 有意義的,索性灑脫的過日子——我想說的是,那些包袱當然是有意義的 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-02-05T00:33
我是1/28的瓶子,樂活 走的人不留,留的人走心 希望邊緣又透明的瓶子 有被裝滿與被倒出的時刻 祝大家生日快樂 一切都這麼有感覺 - ...