0219 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2020-02-18T15:16

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Anxiety does not produce a healthy state of mind or body. The intensity that
anxiety can cause can be extremely distracting, fatiguing, and mentally and
emotionally overwhelming. Although we all experience anxiety from time to
time, Aquarius, you have better control over it than you might think you do.
If a state of anxiety is dragging you down and wearing you out now, you need
to consciously choose a more uplifting path for all that energy. Whether it
is through meditation, physical work, or anything else, it is the path to
peace of mind.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-02-20T23:37
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2020-02-23T02:17
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2020-02-27T21:20
最近真的很焦慮 所以都去運動了
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2020-03-03T03:17


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-02-18T10:20
祝:跟我一樣今天2/18生日的水瓶 生日快樂! ((話說~~我第一次在這發文 哈) - ...

2020/02/18 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2020-02-17T20:50
水瓶座 晴 今天很忙碌,但忙的都是你一直很想要去的方向,所以很有成就感,也非常踏實。感情方 面在職場上會跟人有多一點的互動,而那些跟你有接觸的人,跟你滿來電,請好好把握。 幸運色是藍色。 連續兩天放晴。(抖) - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2020-02-17T10:39
米薩小姐占星誌2/16-2/22 因為水瓶座最近的工作量變得很大,其實你們也是自身的靠意志力在支撐, 心中早已累積了很多的負面情緒跟能量沒有辦法發洩。 這會造成整體的工作意願跟績效下降,這種種的一切都在提醒, 該給自己休息,該給自己時間做一點喜歡的事情。 稍微調整一下節奏,休息是為了走更長遠的路喔 ...

Alex是大叔 02/17~02/23 水瓶座本週運

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2020-02-17T09:49
太陽或上升水瓶座:週一水逆開始,持續到3月10日,這次水逆發生在你的金錢宮位,這 是一個處理財務問題的好時期,包括提交報銷申請,處理理賠事件,或者是債務問題,如 果你期待加薪或者收穫獎金,那就去談條件吧。有些水瓶座確實需要跟某個人談判,談條 件,但你需要提前知道你手裏的籌碼是什麼,這週四之前會有談判的最終結果 ...

0218 Daily Horoscope

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-02-17T08:32
Even the simple things that you typically do every day with ease may seem like a struggle right now, Aquarius. This may be the result of boredom, fatigue, ...