0219 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2022-02-18T20:44

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It would be tempting to bark back at someone who isn't being very nice. When
we experience mistreatment by someone, we may naturally go into defensive
mode. The immediate reaction is to lash out. Most of us rarely stop to
consider what that person might be going through that is causing them to
behave in an unkind way. If you are experiencing this kind of bad behavior
from someone, Aquarius, stop for a moment and think about what the reason
could be. Responding with kindness will surely get a much better reaction.



Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2022-02-23T04:44

2022/02/18 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2022-02-17T21:52
水瓶座 打雷閃電 今天容易莽撞衝動,導致有刀火燙傷的狀況,甚至有些事情會談判破裂。感情方面雙方的 脾氣都很暴躁,容易使小吵變大吵。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

Zyanya 2月/晨霽2022財運/羅伯情感周運

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2022-02-17T20:57
羅伯一週星座情感運勢2/17-2/23 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/217-223.html 晨霽2022年星座財運 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/2022_17.html 心理測驗-壓力圖片測試,波動越大證明你的壓力越大! https:/ ...

0218 Daily Horoscope

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2022-02-17T18:47
If you tune in to the energy that is surrounding you today, it will give you a much-needed lift. Your spirits may be down otherwise, but there is hope and ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2022-02-17T16:39
【火象星座】 牡羊、獅子、射手 人多歡樂的户外活動 從多人中找到志同道合者 【風象星座】 雙子、天秤、水瓶 有新面孔的小型聚會 展現社交能力與口才 【水象星座】 巨蟹、天蠍、雙魚 氣氛十足的浪漫場景 有種命中註定的相遇感 【土象星座】 金牛、處女、魔羯 聚會中展現品味與文藝才能 引起他們的注意 唐綺陽 ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 金火合相

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2022-02-17T13:21
我們即將迎來一次滿月,這幾天會不會格外感受到疲憊感呢?可能你的睡眠也不會特別好 ,甚至夢境也變得複雜,滿月期間,總是能讓我們回想起過去某一件對自己意義重大的事 情,或者想起某個對自己來說很重要(或者曾經很重要的)人。這次滿月期間,金星跟火 星也會出現互動,所以這是一個——讓自己重獲愛的能力,愛的力量的時期。 ...