02ed May 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope - 水瓶

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-05-02T01:23

Table of Contents

Daily Horoscope

Take care not to get on a soapbox today, Aquarius. You have strong opinions
on everything from religion to politics. You risk offending people if you
expound on them. You'd be better off keeping your views to yourself. In fact,
rather than try to change people's minds with words, why not try and do it
with actions? Set the right example. It's often a more effective form of

Love Horoscope

The planetary alignment at play today may mean that you feel less
enthusiastic than usual about going out on a date with your loved one. You
may not be able to put your finger on the reason, but are now more inclined
to stay at home and work on a solo project, or just rest. Perhaps this would
actually do you good. You will probably feel more sociable another time.

放你的手指在理由上....意思是發現現在的情況是什麼原因造成的= =

Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-05-04T12:01
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-05-04T15:58
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-05-05T20:47
是阿...我都翻到劍橋去了 = =

瓶兒每週運勢 05/01~05/07

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2017-05-02T01:17
https://goo.gl/dzHhwc Astrology.com On Monday you find the key that opens the door that unlocks the mystery that explains the long-standing question -- i ...

星座 | 人傻福氣多的幸運好命星座

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-05-02T01:03
水瓶座的人是一群獨特的個體,他們對朋友特別的真誠,心胸豁達。他們總能寬容身邊的 人,在他們看來“吃虧是福”在對朋友方面他們不會在任何方面吝嗇自己的精力或者金錢 。他們常常體恤他人,就算是他們吃虧他們也不會多說一句話,多做事少說話就是他們的 個性。笑對人生的他們運氣卻很好。 其他是白羊,金牛,巨蟹 轉錄自 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-05-01T23:48
星座天氣:陰天 今天有吃喝玩樂的機會,會讓你花費不少金錢。 感情部分另一半會要求你浪漫一點,建議要收起務實的一面,才能讓彼此的關係更好。 幸運色是灰色 -- 本週星座運勢 要注意工作上的突發事件很多,且都是很大的考驗,必須繃緊神經去應付; 此能量很強大,不成功便成仁,倘若成功則會是立大功。 - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-05-01T23:21
其實我在推文的第一句,就是想叫妳別太早去想喜歡不喜歡的問題,所以才叫妳先用朋友的 心情,好好經營友情阿,時間不用太久,妳也就能猜到他喜不喜歡妳了XD 雖然妳們八字都還沒有一撇,有點像是兩小無猜吧,所以處方簽還是有拉 不過下次,我就會要妳填[年齡][職業][對自己的期望][對對像的期望][事件發生經 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-05-01T20:30
如標題所言,我是牛男,最近跟瓶女再磨合期,想來多瞭解請教各位瓶子們,感謝各位! - ...