03/01 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2022-02-28T08:58

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A relationship in your life that was once robust and healthy may seem to be fr
aught with contention lately. Perhaps you have each gone off in different dire
ctions and not taken the time recently to nurture the bond you share. It might
be a good idea to take on something together that can be good for both of you
, such as a shared interest. You may find that by working on it as a team, you
can rebuild what seems to be missing.





Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2022-03-03T00:38

2022/02/28 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2022-02-28T00:00
雙子座 打雷閃電 今天有熱臉貼冷屁股的感覺,對方對你的奉獻和付出反應有點冷漠,讓你看懂哪些人才是 真正把你當朋友。 感情方面若對方不熱情不妨看開點,因為這種事不能強求。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2022-02-27T20:21
TIM一週星座運勢2/27-3/5 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/tim227-35.html 寂多蔓生一週星座運勢2/28-3/6 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/228-36_27.html 蘇珊米勒一週星座運勢2/28-3/6 http: ...

02/28 the daily horoscope

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2022-02-27T07:51
A very emotional experience may feel quite dramatic as you go through it, Gemi ni, but that does not mean that it wonand#39;t end well. You are dealing wit ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-02-27T00:00
殺破狼占星12星座週運勢部份,與udn聯合新聞網合作, 請勿任意轉載、盜用文字內容,會被udn追究法律責任喔。 請大家參考時,注意版權問題。感謝大家! 參考:太陽星座、上升星座 本週星相: *3月3日為雙魚座新月,有關夢想、藝術、心靈、奇蹟、靈魂伴侶……相關事 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-02-26T10:27
在班上認識一個雙子女 平常上課課堂都對我蠻冷漠的 都對我裝不熟 但是下課放學後常常約我一起吃飯 吃著吃著就上床了 但是在學校她依然對我保持冷漠 私下問她為什麼這樣 她都對我打哈哈 雙子女都這麼雙面嗎? - ...