03/08~09/08/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-08-03T23:27

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You may find yourself falling into a role that is something like that of
the "designated driver" of emotions this week, especially in family
matters. Someone may be angry or upset over something that is happening,
and behaviors could be unpredictably swinging from love to hurt to self-
righteous. As a very emotional person yourself, Moonchild, you understand
how difficult it can be to get a hold of yourself when you feel swept away
by emotions, so your guidance could be especially helpful. Try to help put
everyone's point of view out there, so that sharing and caring can lead to
a peaceful conclusion. This is something that you can do well. Your
natural ability to nurture could come in handy now when a disillusioned
friend or loved one expresses a sense of hopelessness or the desire to
quit something they have put a lot into. Again, motivating others is
something you excel at, and helping out now can make you feel really good
about yourself, and it may even help you feel better about something that
is going on in your own life.




Tags: 巨蟹

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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2020-08-05T19:24
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-08-07T16:58
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2020-08-10T04:57
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-08-10T18:08

2020/08/04 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2020-08-03T21:46
巨蟹座 雨 今天你會覺得對方沒有用心或不太在乎,這會讓你困擾,與其等待不如主動詢問。感情方 面對方做得再好,你心情還是不佳,這會給人挫折感或讓人誤會,請注意一下。 幸運色是橘色。 努力付出但是得不到相同的回報(? - ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2020-08-03T15:04
我的星座是: 獅子 與對方的關係是: 交往中 想請問大家的問題是: 蟹女早上突然傳一個訊息來說她做惡夢,說夢到我出軌跟別人上床,然後就從早上 一直生氣到現在 = =,想請問各位蟹女這樣作惡夢要怎麼安慰或是安撫....因為一個夢生 氣搞得我完全毫無頭緒呀! Orz - ...

Alex是大叔 08/03~08/09 巨蟹座本週運

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2020-08-03T08:52
太陽或上升巨蟹座:運勢開始回升了,從6月到7月,你們會心想“怎麼那麼多煩心事”, 包括一些人在感情和人際上也遭遇了變動。隨著本週金星加入你的星座,運勢開始得到好 轉了。最起碼你魅力四射,充滿能量,也不再擔心被人議論了——請你勇敢往前衝。不過 在這之前,尤其是週一到週三中午期間,你依舊要保持鎮定,穩重,低調,因 ...

03/08/2020 Daily Horoscope

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2020-08-02T22:49
Sometimes you have dreams that beckon you, Moonchild, and there are even occasional signs from the universe that you are really on to something. You are mo ...

2020/08/03 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2020-08-02T20:41
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 今天工作上處理金錢部分,談價錢、遇到殺價要抵禦,錢的部分要守好,用心搞清楚、不 能掉以輕心。感情方面兩人生活習慣合不合適是重點,很小的事情都可能引發爭執衝突。 幸運色是白色。 滿月注意情緒不要爆發。 - ...