03/09 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2022-03-08T21:59

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Is someone going out of their way to irritate you today, Leo, or are you just
in an easily irritated state of mind? It may be a little bit of both. But ther
e is a solution. Since you probably have a choice in the matter, you could avo
id those who are driving you crazy until the nonsense subsides, and you could
also work on feeling more content. This can be really good and very productive
if you can find the right balance. Try to take an overview, and be more consc
ious of the good that is working its way into your life now. Seeing the bright
light of hope should give you a happier and less irritable outlook.

獅子們,今天是否有人激怒你,或只是你自己處於一種暴躁而易怒的心態? 也許兩者都

。試著在心中想像一個藍圖,並盡可能的意識到現在進入你生活中的美好事物。 這些美


如有錯譯還請指正 :)

Tags: 獅子

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2022-03-11T15:35
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-03-09T22:40
推 這個月真的一堆鳥事(怒
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2022-03-12T16:15
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2022-03-09T22:40


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2022-03-08T13:55
大家好~我是小龜~ 3月份運勢最後一篇來啦 我們下個月見,到時候又準備是連假啦!! 12星座運勢連結總整理版: https://turtle880.com/monall/ptt 巨蟹座 不要害怕打擊,往往這時都是轉機。 這個月運勢關係,可能會讓你心情像坐雲霄飛車一樣,起伏很大。 這也表示當你剛 ...

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By Brianna
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Callum avatar
By Callum
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塔羅-這段感情裡,他在想什麼? https://www.stars12.com/2019/03/blog-post_31.html 塔羅-在別人眼裡你是靠譜的人嗎? https://www.stars12.com/2018/09/blog-post_18.html 保加利亞一週星座運勢3/7-3/13 h ...

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Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2022-03-07T08:55
太陽或上升獅子座:第一印象雖然重要,但有時候也會出現錯誤的時刻,本週就是提醒你 ,先別拿第一印象說事兒,不管你接觸到的人你第一眼挺喜歡,有善意,還是很反感,在 本週很快都會出現一些反轉情況讓你改變態度。因為金星、火星已經來到了你的對宮位置 ,你的社交運勢會被開啟,也因此很容易接觸到新的人,認識新朋友,甚至跟新 ...

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