03/16 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

George avatar
By George
at 2022-03-15T22:50

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 3月 16

Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 3月 16
We have all become very conscious of offending others. It seems that no matter
what you do, there is often someone out there who will take offense. You may
be concerned now that something you need to convey will be taken in the wrong
way. But it is this fear that often stops us from communicating authentically.
If your intentions are good, dear Scorpio, and you are kind and respectful, y
ou shouldn't have to worry about that. Express yourself the best you can witho
ut walking on eggshells.
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Tags: 天蠍

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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2022-03-18T04:14
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-03-20T09:37


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2022-03-15T20:37
塔羅-近期有什麼問題在困擾著你? https://www.stars12.com/2021/01/blog-post_3.html 道不精一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_40.html 女巫樹洞一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 h ...

唐綺陽 2022/03/15(二)陰

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2022-03-15T00:00
2022 / 03 / 15 (二) 陰 今天行動力很差,因此要多出外走走,只要動起來好運就跟著來。 感情方面彼此若有相同的興趣就趕緊一起去做,且運動風的打扮很適合你。 幸運色是橘色。 - ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2022-03-14T20:37
寂多蔓生一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_46.html 佩妮一週星座運勢3/14-3/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/314-320_14.html 塔羅-你和他未來三個月的感情發展? htt ...

03/15 Daily Horoscope

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2022-03-14T19:42
Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 3月 15 Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 3月 15 You may feel stalled on a project, most likely one that requires our ingenious creativity ...

Alex是大叔 03/14~03/20 天蠍座本週運

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2022-03-14T11:28
太陽或上升天蠍座:這週,在你的人際關係宮位出現了一次滿月,我會建議你在本週要控 制自己說話的尺度,不管對方是跟你什麼關係,即便是再親近的人,也要儘可能說話注意 分寸,避免不合時宜的玩笑和吐槽,以免聽者有心,因為近期水元素能量較為濃重,許多 人的情緒變得敏感脆弱,很容易在表述不清的情況下,引發矛盾和誤會。另外, ...