03/23 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2022-03-23T01:12

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A tough morning does not have to lead to a tough afternoon. A tough afternoon
doesn't have to wind up in a tough evening. A tough day, in general, does not
have to become a difficult week. You get the picture, Leo. Yet although none o
f this has to happen, it often does. Human beings tend to roll with whatever t
hey are feeling at the moment. Just like happiness, gloom can be contagious. Y
ou could have many reasons to smile today. Do your best to catch a happy vibe
- no matter what you may be going through at the moment - and spread it around

。 一般來說,棘手的一天不一定會導致曲折的一周。 獅子們,你們大概可以看見這樣的

份快樂的氛圍,並把這份快樂散播出去 :)


如有誤譯還請指正 :)

Tags: 獅子

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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2022-03-22T21:40
【火象星座】 牡羊、獅子、射手 開荒關地的先驅 【土象星座】 金牛、處女、魔羯 追求細膩完美的 最佳託付者 【風象星座】 雙子、天秤、水瓶 邏輯縝密的思維者 【水象星座】 巨蟹、天蠍、雙魚 自如穿梭在 現實與理想間 唐綺陽談星室 精華|斜槓生活這樣走最順!老師:這個星座最有療癒力 https://ti ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2022-03-22T18:50
鬧鬧女巫-天雷勾地火的星座配對,要麼徹底合不來,要麼終生離不開! http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/blog-post_22.html 展鈺凝一週星座運勢3/21-3/27 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/321-327_19.html 鬧鬧女巫一 ...

冥王星 深刻的自我覺察 喜歡心理學的請來

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2022-03-22T16:49
占星文 - 冥王星 深刻的自我覺察 喜歡心理學的請來~ 關於代表最深刻的關係本質的冥王星,有以下的細微發現 要先看的重點 基本星座,牡羊,巨蟹,天秤,摩羯。 代表立場 固定星座,金牛,獅子,天蠍,水瓶。 代表關係(關係的狀況) 變動星座,雙子,處女,射手,雙魚。 代表態度 (想法改變而所轉化的態度) ...

03/22 Daily Horoscope

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2022-03-22T00:50
Unless you happen to be a fictional superhero, Leo, you canand#39;t push a boulder t he size of you uphill by yourself. Even with help, it would be very ha ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
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