03/26 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2022-03-26T00:26

Table of Contents

Zesty, spicy, peppery, zingy, hot - these are words that could easily describe
where your day could go today. Prepare for some excitement today, Gemini - no
t that you aren't already prepared! You may find that everything you touch rig
ht now has a little extra pizzazz to it. Your interactions with others may rev
eal fun characteristics you never saw before and new people who rev the energy
up a bit. Plus, your daily routine could have a few extra, interesting twists
and turns. Enjoy the ride!

興致高昂的、痛快的、辛辣的、極度吸引人的、很辣的 —


準備好迎接今天的興奮,雙子們 — 並不是說你還沒有準備好!






Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2022-03-27T19:49

2022/03/25 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2022-03-25T00:32
雙子座 晴時多雲 今天工作方面會出現競爭對手,只要自己有實力就不用怕,不用太擔心。 感情方面有不被另一半重視的感覺,建議要說出來才能讓對方改進。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 水海合相

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2022-03-24T21:01
水星跟海王星靠近了,海王星的能量因此再次被激活——有沒有發現,海王星在影響著我 們呢?最直接的表現就是:我們好像一時之間失去了獨立的思考能力,非常容易被別人的 言語,情緒所影響到,有些人甚至產生了“厭倦他人”的感受,即便這個人跟你的關係很 親近,但因為此時我們很容易被外界,他人影響,進而產生了一種“抗拒”心態 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-03-24T20:18
羅伯一週星座情感周運3/24-3/30 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/324-330.html 小乖麻2022進入白羊月,這幾個星座將會迎來改變 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/2022_24.html 蘇米君2022年4月前逆襲!運勢一直旺的 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2022-03-24T15:12
唐綺陽老師 2022上半年度雙子座運勢 內容取自:https://youtu.be/MyiZtoTWmgs 1. 2021好壞差很多,木土星合相在雙子座9宮,做得好的有機會成為導師與領導者。 2. 2022木星走向土相宮位10宮,有貴人運,4個月10天走完10宮,提議創業、新頭銜要不要 頂上去,事業上高峰 ...

03/25 the daily horoscope

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2022-03-24T07:48
Things that arenand#39;t working out for you today actually are - they are just work ing out in a way you had not planned. A delay, a disappointment, a wro ...