0321唐綺陽每日星座星座運勢 - 獅子

James avatar
By James
at 2022-03-20T21:05

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星座運勢2022 / 03 / 21(一)雨




Tags: 獅子

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John avatar
By John
at 2022-03-19T19:56
謝謝分享,是要下幾天雨 QQQQ

03/21 Daily Horoscope

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2022-03-20T20:08
If you are feeling weighed down by absolutely anything - a relationship, your job, money - try to spend time around people who are positive and tend to lau ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2022-03-19T08:51
大家好 我們雙方都是獅子 我是出社會了 她則是還沒畢業(但也算有社會歷練) 認識大概1.2個月 之前聊了一陣子沒主動找她 最近她開始主動找我聊 然後連續兩天主動找我出去吃飯 散步 可以共食 摸手 走路手會碰到 但我覺得還沒有曖昧的氛圍 她說話很快 然後也是滿大辣辣的 算是沒有矜持?! 有小聊到 ...

03/19 Daily Horoscope

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2022-03-19T01:42
A reminder may come to you today about someone you need to reach out to. Maybe you havenand#39;t thought about this person for a long time, or maybe you t ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2022-03-18T21:27
星座運勢2022 / 03 / 19(六)打雷閃電 週末有破財的狀況,例如:買昂貴的東西或被別人凹付帳。 感情方面雙方相處的時間不夠,導致彼此的關係發生危機,建議要多花點時間給對方。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

03/18 Daily Horoscope

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2022-03-17T23:37
There may be a brilliant idea of yours that you never explored because someone criticized it. Maybe they were so emphatic in their disdain for your idea t ...