0326 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2022-03-26T10:20

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You may not see yourself as a natural leader, Aquarius. You are a very
independent spirit, and you often kind of like to go off in your own
direction. That does not mean you can't be supportive or all of the other
things a good leader can be. You may soon be called upon to lead, and don't
sell yourself short. Although your way of leading may not be the most
conventional, there's nothing wrong with it at all. You may lead by
demonstration, wisdom, inspiration, and so on. Do what feels right for you,
and you'll discover something new in yourself.


Tags: 水瓶

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Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 水海合相

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2022-03-24T21:01
水星跟海王星靠近了,海王星的能量因此再次被激活——有沒有發現,海王星在影響著我 們呢?最直接的表現就是:我們好像一時之間失去了獨立的思考能力,非常容易被別人的 言語,情緒所影響到,有些人甚至產生了“厭倦他人”的感受,即便這個人跟你的關係很 親近,但因為此時我們很容易被外界,他人影響,進而產生了一種“抗拒”心態 ...

2022/03/25 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2022-03-24T20:54
水瓶座 陰 今天跟別人的互動必須就事論事,不妨多表現自己專業的那一面。感情方面適合職場戀情 ,彼此會因為各自的專業表現而互相來電。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-03-24T20:18
羅伯一週星座情感周運3/24-3/30 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/324-330.html 小乖麻2022進入白羊月,這幾個星座將會迎來改變 http://www.stars12.com/2022/03/2022_24.html 蘇米君2022年4月前逆襲!運勢一直旺的 ...

0325 Daily Horoscope

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-03-24T19:11
If you donand#39;t take the proper steps to fix a broken relationship, Aquarius, it may never be the same again. Right now, if you are feeling angry, hurt, ...

2022/03/24 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2022-03-23T22:21
水瓶座 晴時多雲 今天要跟小輩打好關係,或者瞭解他們的想法,才能讓自己年輕化且更貼近狀況。感情方 面對年輕的人有感覺,即便年齡上有差距,也不會影響彼此來電的程度。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...