04/02~10/02/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-02-05T01:57

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You are a responsible person, dear Scorpio. When you face a problem or any
kind of trouble, you are not one to hide from it. You address it quickly
and efficiently because you would rather deal with it in the moment than
to sit and worry about it. And you will do whatever it takes to resolve
it. You may enter this week hyper-focusing on some trouble you are dealing
with, and doing so with the goal of resolving it successfully. But by
focusing so intensely, you may be missing the forest for the trees. You
need to step back and relax. You will find that if you let it go for just
a little while, you should be able to more easily resolve it, perhaps
before the end of the week. A lifelong passion of yours - perhaps
involving some talent you have not fully explored - may be reignited this
week. This may occur because someone you need strikes a chord or some
event may send you off in that direction. Your passion could be renewed,
and you may want to start making plans to engage in this once again. That
would be a very wise thing to do as it could help you to find whatever has
been missing in your life, and it will be a joyful thing to realize that
it wasn't missing - in fact, it has been there all along and now you have
the freedom and the power to discover it again.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-02-08T20:30
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-02-10T15:36
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-02-15T04:30


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-02-04T20:29
不知道有沒有人跟我一樣 從去年下半年開始就有諸多不順 在健康沒什麼大礙 但工作上不時會有一些小狀況 慶幸有遇到一些好人 化解我心中的一些困惑 有時候討厭自己的心情容易受別人影響 但有時候又覺得正因為自己的敏感 能去同理他人的心情 去年最大的心得就是 沒有人是永遠的敵人或朋友 有時候退一步 ...

Alex是大叔 02/04~02/10 天蠍座本週運勢

George avatar
By George
at 2019-02-04T09:14
太陽或上升天蠍座:辛苦了,最近勞心勞力比較多,而且自己可能也開始厭倦當下的一些 狀態,不管是一成不變的工作內容,還是生活中沒有漣漪——你現在需要激情。這週的新 月帶來激情,心中一直在糾結或者想不明白的事情可能會明朗化,甚至你鼓足勇氣要去改 變了————包括職業的改變或者跳出習慣的圈子,準備迎接新的人生。 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-02-04T00:43
2019/02/04(一)晴天 新年快樂!天天都是好運日! 各位蠍蠍們新年快樂~~~ https://i.imgur.com/vxqJh73.jpg https://i.imgur.com/OqoXEDE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/xcdeN1v.jpg - ...

04/02/2019 Daily Horoscope

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2019-02-04T00:25
You are not generally a negative person, Scorpio. You are a realist, but you do try to see the best in people and in situations. You have the ability to fa ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-02-03T17:17
※ 引述《ecnahcdoog (goodchance)》之銘言: : [對象]:蠍男/獅女 :   [你/妳們的關係]:朋友或是曖昧(?)  : --------------------------------------------------------------------- : [你/妳的問題] ...