04/02 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Kama
at 2017-04-01T23:16
at 2017-04-01T23:16
Table of Contents
You are a very sentimental person, Moonchild. In fact, you may be the most
sensitive and sentimental of all the signs. You long for the days gone by,
and you often reminisce about the happy moments that formed your life. You
cling to remembrances from the past, and you sometimes get caught dwelling
in thoughts of what was, and what might have been. Today the stars are
encouraging you to look ahead. You don't have to let go of the past, but you
do have to frame it, and put it on the wall in your memory. There is life to
live now, and you can make this day, and all your days better if you spend
more of yourself in the present moment.
sensitive and sentimental of all the signs. You long for the days gone by,
and you often reminisce about the happy moments that formed your life. You
cling to remembrances from the past, and you sometimes get caught dwelling
in thoughts of what was, and what might have been. Today the stars are
encouraging you to look ahead. You don't have to let go of the past, but you
do have to frame it, and put it on the wall in your memory. There is life to
live now, and you can make this day, and all your days better if you spend
more of yourself in the present moment.
All Comments

By Eartha
at 2017-04-06T06:44
at 2017-04-06T06:44

By Edwina
at 2017-04-11T01:59
at 2017-04-11T01:59

By George
at 2017-04-13T23:33
at 2017-04-13T23:33

By Anonymous
at 2017-04-18T15:40
at 2017-04-18T15:40

By Emma
at 2017-04-19T21:16
at 2017-04-19T21:16

By Ula
at 2017-04-21T21:30
at 2017-04-21T21:30

By Rachel
at 2017-04-25T06:43
at 2017-04-25T06:43

By Dorothy
at 2017-04-26T22:25
at 2017-04-26T22:25

By Isla
at 2017-04-29T15:29
at 2017-04-29T15:29

By Anonymous
at 2017-05-03T01:47
at 2017-05-03T01:47

By Quintina
at 2017-05-04T04:17
at 2017-05-04T04:17

By Madame
at 2017-05-08T23:02
at 2017-05-08T23:02
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