04/03~10/04/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

By Ida
at 2019-03-04T10:54
at 2019-03-04T10:54
Table of Contents
Some things just don't make sense, Scorpio. And when you devote a lot of
time figuring out the incomprehensible, that does not make a lot of sense
either. You may start out this week trying to decode or figure out
someone's odd behavior, but there may be no apparent reason for it. Rather
than driving yourself crazy, let it go. What you need to know will come to
you when you are ready for it. This week may also bring a pleasant
surprise related to money. Whether this is news of a windfall, a tax
refund, a gift, the potential for more income, or anything else, it will
be a welcome blessing. An older person in your life may wish to be closer
to you, and that may become clear to you this week. Since increased
closeness would be beneficial to both of you, be sure to make time for
this person. Later in the week, you may face a dilemma as someone tries to
put you in the middle of an argument. Taking sides will only make the
matter more complicated and volatile. Since this is not your fight, do
your best to stay out of it.
time figuring out the incomprehensible, that does not make a lot of sense
either. You may start out this week trying to decode or figure out
someone's odd behavior, but there may be no apparent reason for it. Rather
than driving yourself crazy, let it go. What you need to know will come to
you when you are ready for it. This week may also bring a pleasant
surprise related to money. Whether this is news of a windfall, a tax
refund, a gift, the potential for more income, or anything else, it will
be a welcome blessing. An older person in your life may wish to be closer
to you, and that may become clear to you this week. Since increased
closeness would be beneficial to both of you, be sure to make time for
this person. Later in the week, you may face a dilemma as someone tries to
put you in the middle of an argument. Taking sides will only make the
matter more complicated and volatile. Since this is not your fight, do
your best to stay out of it.
All Comments

By Ida
at 2019-03-06T20:03
at 2019-03-06T20:03
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