04/06/2020 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2020-06-03T23:06

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You may not have gotten the green light for a purchase or a venture that
means quite a lot to you, Moonchild. For a while there, you were starting
to have hope that it would all work out, and maybe now you have come to
believe that it was all just wishful thinking. Your vibe is right - this
may work out in the future, but not just yet. Try to accept that as your
truth then relax about it. That moment when this can happen lies in the
near future, and when it occurs, it will bring a happy sense of relief.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-06-07T17:23
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2020-06-11T04:24
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2020-06-11T12:02

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2020-06-03T12:20
我的星座是:天秤 與對方的關係:追求中(? 想請問大家的問題是: 會認識他的原因是,在交友軟體上我看到他長的乾乾淨淨的樣子於是就按了追蹤! 按完後我就繼續追我的劇,但沒想到他密我,問說為什麼按追蹤不聊天 於是就一路聊到下課。 聊著聊著,他就問說要不要換Line,我也毫不猶豫的回答好 就這樣從交 ...

2020/06/03 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2020-06-02T17:47
巨蟹座 雨 今天工作量大,事情多又瑣碎,影響你私生活的安排,要多些體諒,埋頭苦幹做完它。感 情方面你忙於工作,心思不在這方面,另一半能體諒最好,要好好安撫他。 幸運色是藍色。 人生是一種修行和試煉。 - ...

Alex是大叔 巨蟹座2020年6月運勢

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2020-06-02T11:02
6月:第二次水逆來了 整體: 月初1日到5日期間,金星跟火星有一個刑剋的角度,巨蟹座們,我需要你做一次回顧,是 不是覺得從前兩個月(也就是在4月初的時候)跟某個女性關係變得微妙了起來,或者彼 此暗暗較勁,但是隨著金星逆行的發生,這種暗暗地較勁也變成了正大光明的較勁,對抗 ,也許在上個月也就是5月的時候 ...

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