04/06 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-04-06T01:20

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Pisces horoscope for Apr 6 2016

You could wind up leading a team effort for a common goal. You may have the
best creative ideas, Pisces, and you may not want to deviate from what you
have in mind at all. If you take the lead without consulting others for their
opinions and their own ideas, you could create some jealousy or resentment
among the team. If you need the help, it would be smart to include those who
are also involved as much as possible. Ask for their feedback and encourage
their own activities. Your venture will benefit from a true team approach.


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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-04-08T01:23
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-04-10T21:47
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-04-11T17:11
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-04-14T16:24

氧氣占星 雙魚座2016年4月運勢

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-04-05T18:30
最近和“爭吵”相關的問題陸續發生在你身邊,就算生性柔軟的你們在這段時期也都會拿 出相當強硬的態度,尤其上旬階段容易存在“撕逼”事件,比如你堅持自我立場和一群持 相反意見的人(包括某個圈子)對抗,可能因為看不慣某個社會現象並對此口誅筆伐,在 某個集體中(包括職場)不願屈從大多數人,你也很可能在此期間面臨人際關係 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-04-05T16:57
我覺得雖然狀況完全不同,年紀個性都差很多。 但是對於雙魚男我有個感受是: 不期不待,沒有傷害。若有期待,請告訴他。 說不期待不是覺得糟,而是真的很笨。 如果要靠他的觀察力和溝通力,我等死都等不到我想要的。 但是,只要好好地說,不無理取鬧,都是可以做到讓我滿意。 即使是小事,我都會說。 即使我覺得盧小,還是會 ...

科技紫微網+唐立淇 4/5雙魚座運勢

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-04-05T08:13
出處:科技紫微網 今日短評:行動力不足的一天,適合腦力勞動。 幸運數字:1 開運方位:西南方向 幸運星座:雙子座 幸運顏色:鉑金灰 今日吉時:am:08:00--09:00 整體運勢★★☆☆☆:愛情上比較衝動,單身者的勇氣讓你擁有更多的機會,但不可以太 過盲目,當心弄巧成拙。財運上直覺比較敏銳,對投資的 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-04-05T02:59
各位魚兒晚安 我是一個魯了22年的蠍 前幾年也因為情商過低而傷害了一個女生 所以這次一定不能再搞砸 必要的話 我會放棄一切 而求女孩安好 此次任務目標 擄獲魚女芳心 前情提要 認識7個月 同個社團 我是學長也是幹部 而魚是我的組員 前段時間因為自己繁忙 沒有時間帶領組上做活動 都丟給他們 自己只是出現出個 ...

04/05 The Daily Horoscope

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2016-04-04T22:49
Pisces horoscope for Apr 5 2016 You may believe that you will have more fun and get more done if you embark on a new venture alone. After all, Pisces, hav ...