04/12/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2020-12-04T23:20

Table of Contents

Even if you aren't able to spend time with special friends or family
members right now, your need for social interaction is strong. But you can
create a temporary plan for engaging with others in other ways. For
example, plan a nightly call to a favorite person. Or join an online book
club or some other group that supports your interests. This can offer you
time with like-minded people, and the exchanges that are possible there
can keep you intellectually stimulated. This is not just something you
want - it is something you need.



Tags: 天蠍

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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2020-12-04T12:13
最近收到幾封信 除了被老大殺掉的那一封, 對天蠍板的大家很抱歉 我以為簡單直接卻非常不聰明, 以後會注意 --- 收到不敢公開發文/推文的小女生 看了大家的對話覺得惶恐 訊息問我 -天蠍座這樣子到底有沒有對我認真 -這樣這樣是不是很有問題 老大說,這是病重亂投醫,因為我很常出現 我自己是覺得,不要跟鬼 ...

唐綺陽 2020/12/03(四)晴

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2020-12-03T08:18
2020 / 12 / 03 (四) 晴 今天有機會去支援或做貢獻,你也很喜歡這種感覺,越是支援貢獻你的自信心也會比較充 足,有被需要的感受。 感情方面注意對方是否有給你表現空間,若沒辦法展現自己你也會對他沒有太大感覺。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2020-12-03T00:36
A crushing disappointment can lead to a negative outlook on life in general. When there is something that you hope for deeply - especially when you expect ...

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Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2020-12-02T23:35
A minor adjustment to the way you approach someone could make a huge difference - even if it seems like a problematic situation. You may need or want somet ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-12-02T13:27
有過5年的魔蠍經歷 我想我應該可以幫妳回答看看 但我必須說 天蠍特質相同 但每個天蠍都是獨一無二的 真正的想法如果他不說 除了自己沒人知道 所以以下提供的都是以我的認知作為出發點 可以參考 但不一定是他真正的想法哦 ----------正片開始------- ※ 引述《sorrybae (而你4我的快樂 ...