04/13 The Daily Horoscope - 射手

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-04-13T00:56

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You may have been waiting for the absolute best possible moment to get back in
touch with an old friend or family member. Perhaps there was a conflict
between you, and you have some fear about reaching out. What terrible thing
could happen though, Sagittarius? Will the other party think you are an awful
person for wanting to extend the olive branch? Will others look at you with
scorn because you tried to mend a fence? Will you be rejected? None of that
matters. Reach out anyway. Take the high road and don't worry about timing.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-04-16T16:13
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2016-04-20T15:31
辛苦了 每天都期待你的翻譯
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-04-20T22:37
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-04-25T21:01

0412 星星一族星象運勢

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-04-12T08:34
射手座, 在這段時間你面對問題的態度,是下定決心忍耐下去。 你會充滿精力地提高自己去改變你們之間的關係,使出你們之間的關係變得更加融洽和諧 ,順應伴侶之間的生活需要。 明天見! 資料來源:horoscopofree星占社區 - ...

04/12 The Daily Horoscope

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-04-11T23:58
You may be feeling alone and lonely today, Sagittarius, as though you are the only one on your team. But if you prefer a little help, some companionship, a ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2016-04-11T21:04
好友沒有PTT,我上來幫她問的 好友的閃光是射手男 劇我所知這射手男想法很神秘密複雜善變 但是射手男最近得了不治之症,醫生也宣佈剩沒多久 原本同居的兩人 已經分居 男生也回鄉下養病 上禮拜好有跟閃光出去打卡拍照 已往閃光都會同意打卡拍照在自己臉書上呈現(因為閃光有設定) 結果這次沒有同意,好友也 ...

BERKANA ★ 盧恩天使訊息04/11~04/17

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-04-11T10:40
大家好,這一週的盧恩天使訊息來囉ˊvˋ 天氣忽然變得好冷喔!早上起床整個被嚇了一跳,趕快從衣櫃拿出外套穿XD 這樣的天氣也很容易犯睏(打哈欠),星期一!一起打起精神! 我們快來看看這一週天使要帶來什麼訊息吧! GOGOGO~ 這邊只放本板星座期間相對應的盧恩符文天使訊息,其他星座的天使訊息,請 ...

0411 星星一族星象運勢

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-04-11T10:08
射手座, 今天你的星象會向你輸入有力的力量,使你做事的願望得到肯定,使你正在進行的合作盡 快得到答復,並開闊你的視野。 不要對他人用大喊大叫,用其它一些溫和的方法,也可以達到同樣的管理目的。 明天見! 資料來源:horoscopofree星佔社區 - ...