04/21 the daily horoscope - 雙子

By Mary
at 2022-04-20T09:43
at 2022-04-20T09:43
Table of Contents
When you deal with aggravation at work or in your personal life, it can set th
e tone for your day. If you wake up worried about anything, it can create a da
rk shadow that will follow you around. You can't avoid all problems, of course
s, but you can avoid handling them in a way that creates tension and a bad moo
d. Today, any irritations you face will be minor if you treat them that way, d
ear Gemini. Don't magnify a problem that can be easily solved - and recognize
that by assuming it can be easily solved, it will be.
別放大一個可以輕易被解決的問題 — 並且承認它假設它很容易被解決,
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
e tone for your day. If you wake up worried about anything, it can create a da
rk shadow that will follow you around. You can't avoid all problems, of course
s, but you can avoid handling them in a way that creates tension and a bad moo
d. Today, any irritations you face will be minor if you treat them that way, d
ear Gemini. Don't magnify a problem that can be easily solved - and recognize
that by assuming it can be easily solved, it will be.
別放大一個可以輕易被解決的問題 — 並且承認它假設它很容易被解決,
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
All Comments

By Ida
at 2022-04-21T03:12
at 2022-04-21T03:12

By Kumar
at 2022-04-21T20:41
at 2022-04-21T20:41
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