04/28 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Queena
at 2016-04-28T00:14
at 2016-04-28T00:14
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It is what it is. You may have decided not to fight a wave that seems to keep
knocking you over. You have made an attempt to better your life in some way,
yet every time you reach for a bright opportunity, something knocks you back
down. But that does not mean that you won't achieve what you are chasing,
Cancer. Going with the flow can be a good thing, as long as you don't give up
hope of getting what you really want. The current may take you on a detour
if you just let go, but ultimately it will take you to your dream destination.
Copyright Daily Horoscope.
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knocking you over. You have made an attempt to better your life in some way,
yet every time you reach for a bright opportunity, something knocks you back
down. But that does not mean that you won't achieve what you are chasing,
Cancer. Going with the flow can be a good thing, as long as you don't give up
hope of getting what you really want. The current may take you on a detour
if you just let go, but ultimately it will take you to your dream destination.
Copyright Daily Horoscope.
Download it now ? http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Todd Johnson
at 2016-05-01T10:14
at 2016-05-01T10:14

By Aaliyah
at 2016-05-05T13:44
at 2016-05-05T13:44

By Damian
at 2016-05-09T04:26
at 2016-05-09T04:26

By Yuri
at 2016-05-09T05:54
at 2016-05-09T05:54

By Daniel
at 2016-05-13T02:26
at 2016-05-13T02:26

By Lily
at 2016-05-17T11:12
at 2016-05-17T11:12

By Madame
at 2016-05-18T04:03
at 2016-05-18T04:03

By Carolina Franco
at 2016-05-23T00:03
at 2016-05-23T00:03

By Bethany
at 2016-05-27T23:21
at 2016-05-27T23:21

By Lydia
at 2016-05-30T21:38
at 2016-05-30T21:38

By Liam
at 2016-06-01T00:33
at 2016-06-01T00:33

By Frederic
at 2016-06-02T02:37
at 2016-06-02T02:37

By Michael
at 2016-06-02T20:53
at 2016-06-02T20:53

By Eartha
at 2016-06-03T03:56
at 2016-06-03T03:56

By Agatha
at 2016-06-07T12:44
at 2016-06-07T12:44

By Regina
at 2016-06-10T17:05
at 2016-06-10T17:05

By Frederica
at 2016-06-15T00:18
at 2016-06-15T00:18

By Freda
at 2016-06-19T08:53
at 2016-06-19T08:53

By Ida
at 2016-06-23T22:36
at 2016-06-23T22:36

By Quintina
at 2016-06-27T10:54
at 2016-06-27T10:54

By Anonymous
at 2016-06-28T23:13
at 2016-06-28T23:13

By Damian
at 2016-06-29T14:07
at 2016-06-29T14:07

By Harry
at 2016-07-03T11:29
at 2016-07-03T11:29

By Isla
at 2016-07-06T15:47
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