04/30 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-04-30T01:41

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Pisces horoscope for Apr 30 2016

Your natural intuition may be trying to pull you away from a new endeavor, Pis
ces. There are probably other people involved, and if you tell them about your
feelings, they may look at you like you're crazy. Don't let that kind of a re
action cause you to doubt yourself - even if it comes from people you see as l
ogical and wise. You have proven time and again that your sixth sense is very
sharp, and you need to trust in that. If you have a strong feeling about somet
hing, don't talk yourself out of it.


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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2016-04-30T19:55
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-05-04T11:34


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-04-29T16:59
你答應要陪我去幫朋友看房子 但叫你起床時卻又說你跟朋友三點的實習面試會來不及 他們不知道在哪裡 但時間明明是可行的,是你不起床 而且也離你們面試的地方很近 我吵著是你答應我在先 為什麼又要我自己去 而你卻開始嫌我煩覺得我在鬧 我出門時 就傳來訊息 要我順便幫自己的房子看一看..... 當 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-04-29T07:06
我是秤女 跟魚男一直都很要好 他是我上司 以前也有不少小曖昧 可是公司前陣子開始傳聞我喜歡他 他隔一週就不怎麼理我了 去問他還藉口說沒有 請問我該怎麼辦 該跟他解釋我沒有喜歡他嗎... - ...

科技紫微網 4/29雙魚座運勢

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-04-29T06:43
出處:科技紫微網 今日短評:今天有點受窩囊氣。 幸運數字:6 開運方位:東北方向 幸運星座:魔羯座 幸運顏色:香檳金 今日吉時:pm:07:00--09:00 整體運勢★★★☆☆:剛到職的人在前輩面前要受一些委屈,調整好心態,做事時盡量完 善一些;客服工作者要特別注意自己的態度,語氣稍重的一句話都有可能 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-04-29T00:26
雙魚座 2/19 - 3/20 今日運勢 2016 / 04 / 29 (五) 打雷閃電 今天會聽到壞消息,請不要讓自己陷入委屈的情緒中, 要往正面思考。 感情部份雙方已無法溝通,所以分手也無妨。 幸運色是白色。 - ...

4/29 The Daily Horoscope

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-04-29T00:08
Pisces horoscope for Apr 29 2016 You have great insight, Pisces, and thatand#39;s because you are sensitive and highl y intuitive. You may have a very str ...