05/02 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Belly
at 2017-05-01T22:11
at 2017-05-01T22:11
Table of Contents
You are talented, intelligent, and wildly creative. But there will always
be someone else in the world who is also talented, intelligent, and wildly
creative. At times, Moonchild, that might make you feel like it's pointless
to try to excel. You may see many people now who have many gifts, even though
you are hoping to stand out in some endeavor. But you are looking at it the
wrong way. You do stand out because you are you. You need to revel in your
own very unique gifts, because that's what makes you one of a kind.
be someone else in the world who is also talented, intelligent, and wildly
creative. At times, Moonchild, that might make you feel like it's pointless
to try to excel. You may see many people now who have many gifts, even though
you are hoping to stand out in some endeavor. But you are looking at it the
wrong way. You do stand out because you are you. You need to revel in your
own very unique gifts, because that's what makes you one of a kind.
All Comments

By Mia
at 2017-05-04T17:44
at 2017-05-04T17:44

By Joe
at 2017-05-05T06:39
at 2017-05-05T06:39

By Emma
at 2017-05-05T16:20
at 2017-05-05T16:20

By Elvira
at 2017-05-06T22:24
at 2017-05-06T22:24

By Andrew
at 2017-05-11T16:47
at 2017-05-11T16:47

By Valerie
at 2017-05-12T22:12
at 2017-05-12T22:12

By Anthony
at 2017-05-15T16:36
at 2017-05-15T16:36

By Donna
at 2017-05-16T17:17
at 2017-05-16T17:17

By Elma
at 2017-05-20T21:59
at 2017-05-20T21:59

By Connor
at 2017-05-24T20:06
at 2017-05-24T20:06

By Ethan
at 2017-05-28T04:41
at 2017-05-28T04:41

By Freda
at 2017-05-31T10:42
at 2017-05-31T10:42

By Dorothy
at 2017-06-04T10:23
at 2017-06-04T10:23
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