05/04~11/04/2021 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-04-08T23:22

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Have you been thinking a lot about an image makeover, Scorpio? If so, this
is a great week to start exploring the impression you wish to make. This
effort may be intended for professional purposes, but have fun with your
new "persona." This may involve a certain style and a certain more
confident approach to life, but you can do it. There could be some work or
school-related stress this week over a project you are hoping will be
impressive. If so, you are worrying for nothing. You are exceptionally
great at what you are doing, and you need to keep reminding yourself of
this. Review past moments when you have felt this way, and consciously
recognize how they turned out well, and/or think about what you learned
from those experiences. Approaching these feelings rationally in this way
will help. The deadline for a long-term project, either home-related or
work-related, could be accelerated this week. This may cause a moment of
panic, but when you think about it, you should realize that this will
actually be much better for you. You have already thought it through in
your mind, and now you just have to put it into action. That will be easy,
and the relief of accomplishment will come soon.





Tags: 天蠍

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Ethan avatar
By Ethan
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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
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