05/06/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2019-06-05T23:54

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There are people who absolutely love putting together picture puzzles that
contain hundreds and sometimes thousands of tiny pieces. They enjoy
sitting and painstakingly matching shapes, colors, and edges to come up
with the assembled work. There is something deeply satisfying to them
about making sense of the chaos in this way. You may be facing a complex
challenge now, Cancer. Try to look at it as if it was a puzzle. If you try
to enjoy the process and celebrate each step as the step that is taking
you closer to the completion - it will be much easier and maybe even
enjoyable instead of overwhelming and dreadful.



Tags: 巨蟹

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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2019-06-09T10:00


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-06-05T21:51
12星座裡只有螃蟹會吐泡 不是蟹子不能使用此標題喔!!! 遇到不如意了嗎? 找不到朋友嗎?蟹版的朋友歡迎回來吐吐泡喔 ^^ (可按ctrl+y刪除) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-06-05T21:34
我的星座是:處女 與對方的關係是:???? [追求中 交往中 挽回中 暗戀中 ...等] 文長請見諒 想請問大家的問題是: 各位帥哥美女大家好, 這兩個多月以來雖然已爬過蟹版眾文章、精華區以及 youtube各個巨蟹介紹影片,仍對於現況充滿問號, 希望大家能幫忙解答,感謝。 我跟螃蟹是在交友軟體上認識 ...

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By Brianna
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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-06-04T22:13
巨蟹座 陰 今天小心碰到浮誇類型,他們可能誇下海口,或什麼事都講得很好聽,但未必能做到,不 要被好聽話欺騙。感情方面要注意熱臉貼冷屁股,對方若看起來不感興趣,就不需太過友 善,若因此受傷划不來。 幸運色是金色。 那就不要太主動表達好意。 - ...