05/07/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2020-07-04T23:52

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The best salespeople know that when they are trying to make a sale, it is
important to convince the buyer that they just can't do without whatever
it is they are selling. The best salespeople need to figure out just as
much about the buyer as they know about the product itself. If you are
aiming to convince someone that you are the best candidate for a job or
any kind of an opportunity, Scorpio, it is like a sales pitch. Don't just
think about your skills, your strengths, and your talents - think about
how those things will benefit the decision-maker.



Tags: 天蠍

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04/07/2020 Daily Horoscope

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2020-07-04T21:20
When you suffer a bad break or a disappointment, someone in your life will invariably mention that there is always someone out there who is doing far worse ...

唐綺陽 2020/07/04-05 週末 晴時多雲

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2020-07-04T20:56
2020 / 07 / 04 - 05 週末 晴時多雲 週末你很有工作的感覺,會想研究或深入某些事情,這種心態會讓你收穫很多。 感情方面你喜歡工作能力強的人,對方很會DIY或做事很出色,會激起你更多興趣及好感 。 幸運色是粉紅色。 - ...

03/07/2020 Daily Horoscope

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-07-03T23:02
Work on finding common ground today with someone you see as very different from yourself. This will not be just an exercise in getting to know someone, but ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2020-07-03T23:01
: 或許 : 從一開始認識就是一個錯誤..... : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_I001DC. 給受傷的自己一個原因和空間好嗎? 錯在他/她的話,為什麼要懲罰自己關起? 為什麼還要替他們找理由? 在旁邊看著的家人/朋友 /我們 會有多生氣?多無力? ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2020-07-03T17:06
第6感是天蠍的特質之一 水逆快要結束,但是在水逆的尾聲 好像還是要小心僅慎 剛剛想說問一下某案子的進度 業主一直都沒消息 不問還好,問了工作就變多....QQ 時間已經不太夠了,還在增加我的工作量... 第6感在壞事的部份好像特別...靈驗(?) (是說工作時間不太夠了還上來發廢文....哈 ...