05/07 Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2020-05-06T23:14

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You are not someone who enjoys criticizing others. You would rather try to
find something good and hopeful about another person. You choose to see
potential rather than fault, Pisces. But when it comes to analyzing yourself,
you can be very tough. You magnify your faults and dwell on your mistakes at
times. Right now, though, a window of opportunity is opening, and to make it
through successfully, you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe
that this is meant for you - because it is - but you won't have full power
until you can see that.
要成功地實現這個機遇,你必須得相信自己。你必須相信這是為你準備的 -但它的確就是
- 直到見證成功的那一刻,你是不用具備全能的力量。
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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-05-07T18:22
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2020-05-10T15:40
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2020-05-13T19:05
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-05-17T04:14
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2020-05-19T21:14
最後一句的翻譯 改成 「唯有當你相信自己能做到 你才能
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2020-05-24T14:31
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2020-05-28T03:45
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2020-05-30T03:23

5/6 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2020-05-06T07:07
今日運勢 2020/5/6 (三) 雨 今天可能會遇到人情壓力,所以人情世故的衡量很重要。 感情方面很多問題要好好溝通,絕對不是買禮物或耍浪漫就可以處理的,用心意表達是更重要的。 幸運色是紫色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zodiac/Pisces ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2020-05-04T12:42
太陽或上升雙魚座:船到橋頭自然直,這句話我其實曾經有在你的運勢里提及過。從上周 開始,金星跟海王星出現了一個負面的角度,許多雙魚座可能內心正在為某件事焦慮,發 愁,也許是跟錢有關係,也許是「愛而不得」有關,因為金星代表著金錢和情感。海王星 則是一種迷茫感,不過雙魚座們,你們無需焦慮,這周一到周三,因為你跟某個 ...

5/4 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2020-05-04T07:17
今日運勢 2020/5/4 (一) 晴時多雲 今天在工作上會出現變數,但有可能是新機會的開始,建議從善如流,接受挑戰。 感情方面這天會做出重大決定,若有人要介紹對象給你,不要推辭,也許對方是即將走進你生命裡的那個人。 幸運色是咖啡色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/ ...

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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-05-03T21:37
You are someone who often wonders what you can do to make a positive difference in someone elseand#39;s life. You are kind and thoughtful, Pisces, and your ...

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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2020-05-02T22:02
When something is bothering you, Pisces, and you donand#39;t want to deal with it, you have a tendency to daydream or to use your imagination in some way t ...