05/09 The Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Kristin
at 2015-05-09T05:31
at 2015-05-09T05:31
Table of Contents
Cancer horoscope for May 9 2015
Words are powerful. You may have a lot of them stored up right now that you
would like to unleash on someone who has done you wrong, or who hasn't done
you right. Whichever is the case, Moonchild, you are ready to aim those words
and to unleash some pent up feelings of anger or resentment or hurt. Before
you do, work through the situation in your mind one more time. You need to be
realistic and figure out if the benefit versus the potential trouble of
speaking out will be greater than or lesser than just dealing with it and
moving on.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh
Words are powerful. You may have a lot of them stored up right now that you
would like to unleash on someone who has done you wrong, or who hasn't done
you right. Whichever is the case, Moonchild, you are ready to aim those words
and to unleash some pent up feelings of anger or resentment or hurt. Before
you do, work through the situation in your mind one more time. You need to be
realistic and figure out if the benefit versus the potential trouble of
speaking out will be greater than or lesser than just dealing with it and
moving on.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh
All Comments

By Kumar
at 2015-05-13T20:30
at 2015-05-13T20:30

By Yedda
at 2015-05-17T21:45
at 2015-05-17T21:45

By Gilbert
at 2015-05-20T11:43
at 2015-05-20T11:43

By Rachel
at 2015-05-21T20:51
at 2015-05-21T20:51

By Tom
at 2015-05-23T16:00
at 2015-05-23T16:00

By Catherine
at 2015-05-26T03:21
at 2015-05-26T03:21

By Barb Cronin
at 2015-05-28T08:37
at 2015-05-28T08:37

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2015-05-29T22:14
at 2015-05-29T22:14

By Franklin
at 2015-05-31T19:31
at 2015-05-31T19:31

By Sarah
at 2015-06-03T21:39
at 2015-06-03T21:39
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