05/11 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-05-11T00:38

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Pisces horoscope for 星期四 5月 11

Some people will dive into a cold pool without hesitation. Other people will
first stick in a toe, then sink down to their ankles, then maybe their knees.
They have to acclimate gradually. In some ways, though, that makes the shock
of the cold water even harder to bear. Instead of getting that initial shock
over in one moment, they experience it over and over again as they sink
deeper into the cold. Similarly, you need to immerse yourself in a task now
that isn't very appealing. But it will be considerably easier if you do,


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Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-05-12T00:02


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-05-10T00:25
來源:https://goo.gl/tE33bj 《法塔羅克里福德》5/8~5/14塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 雙魚座 寶劍7逆位 聖杯皇后 星星逆位 當保持彈性可以達到比較好的效益時,請再思考看看是不是一定要照自己的想法來做呢? ◎面對事情的時候盡可能保持彈性的態度,不要 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-05-10T00:13
今日運勢 2017 / 05 / 10 (三) 打雷閃電 今天別人總是會誤解你,讓你覺得很崩潰,建議要找人傾訴一下。 感情部分雙方的關係若早有裂縫,容易會在這一天談分手。 幸運色是綠色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zodiac/Pis ...

05/10 The Daily Horoscope

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2017-05-09T21:19
Pisces horoscope for May 10 2017 Right now, Pisces, you may be thinking about and focused on someone who is not pleased with you for some reason. Perhaps ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2017-05-09T17:55
我是魚女。 兩年前與交往六年的男友分手,原因是因為他喜歡上他的同事,且兩人已經曖昧一段時間 一年多前遇見現任男友(是一隻大我十歲的蟹) 男友對外人十分和善,有暖男之稱 他不擅拒絕別人,也很樂意與他人分享他的生活或主動關心別人,所以外緣一直都不錯 (但在我眼裡我只覺得他是隻情緒起伏很大的螃蟹) 我當 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2017-05-09T14:42
魚板的各位,大家好 小弟有幸交到魚女女友 最近因為性事問題有點摩差 她有在吃避孕藥,每次行房我也都戴套 有次,我問她說, 可不可以試試看無套 她直接拒絕了,而我也就算了 事後,她會跟我說,這種事她很討厭 因為一旦出事,後果她必須一個人負責 她說的當下我馬上道歉了 可是她心情還是很糟 這次,是第二次 我很 ...