05/13 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2021-05-12T10:24

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A nervous job applicant might spend a lot of time worrying after they had thei
r first interview. They might find it difficult to sleep, and they might be qu
ite nervous. But the same thing will likely happen whether they get on with li
fe or not. Either way - whether they get the job or not - they can wind up exh
austed. This is just an example that sometimes it is best to set aside fears -
as long as you are prepared. Having faith can be a struggle for some, but it
has the potential to make one's life so much better. You may need to hear this
now, dear Gemini.




同樣的 - 無論他們獲得到工作與否 - 他們可能最後都筋疲力竭。

這只是一個舉例,有時候最好的方式就是把恐懼擺在一旁 - 只要你有準備的話。




Tags: 雙子

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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2021-05-11T18:32
女巫樹洞一週星座運勢5/10-5/16 http://www.stars12.com/2021/05/510-516_59.html 柒爸一週星座運勢5/10-5/16 http://www.stars12.com/2021/05/510-516_56.html 祁飛莫然一週星座運勢5/10-5/16 h ...

唐綺陽 2021/5/11(二)

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-05-11T10:12
2021 / 05 / 11 (二) 雨 今天要當心面臨到合作破局、要解約的情況, 但這也是早一點讓彼此發現不適合,長痛不如短痛。 感情方面聚少離多,也可能與另一半相處的質量不如預期, 不如各退一步、保持獨處就好。 幸運色是藍色。 - ...

05/12 the daily horoscope

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-05-11T09:24
You may have reached your breaking point in an ongoing agreement or negotiatio n, Gemini. You may have become so frustrated or just tired of it that you ar ...

雙子男訊息熱絡轉平淡?手機排版 文長慎入

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-05-11T03:26
如題 表達不清楚 等清醒點 在更新 請見諒 小劇場很多玻璃心魚女 請小心鞭QAQ 遠距離的雙男 算是一見鍾情?atat 在一場聚會上認識 男生很直白直球表示對我的好感 因為聚會玩遊戲 輸了需要喝酒 說我是美女直接幫我喝了 很直球滿加分 (雖然個人不喜 歡吃 油嘴滑舌個性) 他旁邊的好友 都在敲側邊鼓 介 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-05-10T23:49
※ [本文轉錄自 Mind 看板 #1WcLMzzA ] 作者: r5252 (邱于玥心靈塔羅) 看板: Mind 標題: [塔羅] 于玥命理/週運勢(5/10-5/16) 時間: Mon May 10 23:48:08 2021 【塔羅占卜】未來一週運勢與提醒(5/10-5/16) 繼金星走進雙子,木 ...