0501 Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Una avatar
By Una
at 2022-04-30T23:13

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Throughout our lives, we often hold out for something better. We may imagine
that what we already have, or what is available, is not as good as what we
could get. We do this in relationships, jobs, and so much more. Are you doing
this now in some area of your life, Aquarius? If you are rejecting something
in lieu of something else, do you know why? Could it be that you have a
preconceived idea of what you want, and so you aren't looking further? Right
now, you are encouraged to look further.


Tags: 水瓶

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石井ゆかり 05月02日~05月08日の星模様

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2022-04-29T20:22
自分の手の中に抱え込んでいたものを、少し外に出すことができそうです。 たくさん抱えた在庫を捌いたり、誰かのものと交換したりすることで、 風通しがすこぶる良くなってきます。 自分の頭だけでグルグル考えている状態から、 他人とざっくばらんに語り合う状態に移行して、 むしろ「地に足が着く」かもしれません。 他者と語 ...

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Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2022-04-29T12:58
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Dinah avatar
By Dinah
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