06/02/2021 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-02-05T22:58

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If someone who is extremely beautiful would look at themselves in a highly
magnified mirror, they could find flaws. No human being is absolutely
perfect. But we are not meant to look at ourselves in that way, Scorpio.
You may be analyzing - or, rather, overanalyzing - something about
yourself now. But the more you scrutinize, the more you will find to
criticize. But that is not the true way to observe yourself. Step back and
take a look at all of your recent accomplishments. You have so much to be
proud of. It's the big picture you need to see.



Tags: 天蠍

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Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-02-10T05:20

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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2021-02-05T00:00
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By Rosalind
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