06/02 The Daily Horoscope - 雙魚

By Sarah
at 2017-06-01T21:26
at 2017-06-01T21:26
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Pisces horoscope for Friday Jun 2
Someone isn't taking one of your cherished aspirations very seriously. This
may make you sad, or it may make you feel embarrassed. You are so sensitive,
Pisces, that you often sink emotionally when you don't meet with someone
else's approval. But you should not be sad, and you certainly shouldn't be
embarrassed either. What you should be is angry. What you should be is
inspired to prove that person wrong. Work yourself up. Fire up your passion,
but fuel it with kindness. You don't need anyone else's approval. Do it your
way, and show them all - but do so as gently as possible.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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All Comments

By George
at 2017-06-04T16:23
at 2017-06-04T16:23

By Adele
at 2017-06-06T04:26
at 2017-06-06T04:26

By Lydia
at 2017-06-07T01:23
at 2017-06-07T01:23

By Kumar
at 2017-06-08T06:45
at 2017-06-08T06:45

By Todd Johnson
at 2017-06-08T10:00
at 2017-06-08T10:00

By Charlotte
at 2017-06-08T14:22
at 2017-06-08T14:22

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-06-11T03:14
at 2017-06-11T03:14

By Adele
at 2017-06-12T00:01
at 2017-06-12T00:01
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