06/11/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

By George
at 2020-11-05T23:44
at 2020-11-05T23:44
Table of Contents
You can't rush the tide, Scorpio. It will come in when it is meant to come
in. The ocean is a powerful force. As a water sign, you understand the
flow of life better than many other people do. And yet, you may have
become impatient about a certain thing that you wish would take place
right now. The tide is coming in for you, in a sense, and it is laden with
good fortune. But you must be peaceful and patient as you await its
arrival. In the meantime, don't waste a precious second. Make the most of
every moment until what you are wishing for arrives.
in. The ocean is a powerful force. As a water sign, you understand the
flow of life better than many other people do. And yet, you may have
become impatient about a certain thing that you wish would take place
right now. The tide is coming in for you, in a sense, and it is laden with
good fortune. But you must be peaceful and patient as you await its
arrival. In the meantime, don't waste a precious second. Make the most of
every moment until what you are wishing for arrives.
All Comments

By Irma
at 2020-11-08T20:20
at 2020-11-08T20:20

By Audriana
at 2020-11-13T19:21
at 2020-11-13T19:21
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