06/14 the daily horoscope - 雙子

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-06-13T10:00

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Patience is your key to a wonderful day today, Gemini. Patience doesn't always
come easy for you. You tend to have high energy levels, and you get things do
ne quickly. But you sometimes get impatient when other people can't keep up wi
th your rapid pace. That could occur today. But if you rush someone or push so
meone to move more quickly than they can comfortably go, it could result in le
ss-than-satisfactory results. Use this as a chance to work on your patience. I
t will always benefit you in the end.









Tags: 雙子

All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2021-06-18T05:19
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2021-06-19T03:05


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-06-13T00:00
殺破狼占星12星座週運勢部份,與udn聯合新聞網合作, 請勿任意轉載、盜用文字內容,會被udn追究法律責任喔。 請大家參考時,注意版權問題。感謝大家! 參考:太陽星座、上升星座 本週星相: *水星持續退行中,有關電子、電器、通訊設備、網路、電腦設備故障的高峰期 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2021-06-12T20:36
今天晚上九點 環境政治白羊到雙子 大運四宮白羊 https://soilastro.blogspot.com/2021/06/0119.html 大運四宮金牛 https://soilastro.blogspot.com/2021/06/0120.html 大運四宮雙子 https://soilastr ...

06/13 the daily horoscope

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-06-12T08:48
You may be feeling stalled now by a limited set of resources, Gemini. You very much want to achieve or acquire something that seems endlessly out of reach ...

06/12 the daily horoscope

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-06-11T13:45
You may have gotten so caught up in getting by - either workwise or emotionall y within your relationships - that your purpose in life has started to fade ...

6.10日蝕 真相是最好的老師 留意接下兩週

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-06-11T12:32
6.10日蝕 真相是最好的老師 留意接下兩週的靈感 這次日蝕在台灣上不在可見範圍,在占星上的意義,日蝕代表轉化,新生,特別是有新的道路會打開。 昨天剛好是解盲公布,剛剛好落在下午5點,真正日蝕精準時刻落在傍晚7點,你說巧不巧?! 1. 解盲,這兩個字精準符合這次日蝕帶有“解開真相”的雙子能量。 日蝕合相逆 ...